Virtual Lab S.a.s. and Virtual Lab Australia PTY Ltd - DOTgroup Consortium (Design Oriented Technologies & CAD-Rendering Solutions)
• 2D/3D CAD developer software for Architecture & Construction industry, Exhibition stands, Scenography, Interior design, Furniture industry. Hardware and software specialized solutions. Custom software projects. Consultant on Mac OS and Windows platforms.
• Progettazione e sviluppo software CAD per Architettura - Edilizia - Interior design - Scenografia - Standistica - Industria del Mobile. Studio e sviluppo di soluzioni software personalizzate . Soluzioni hardware e software specializzate. Corsi di formazione e consulenza informatica in ambienti operativi Mac OS e Windows.
_____________• Via Dante Alighieri nr.14 - 20090 Vimodrone (MI) - Italy - Tel. +39-340-994.00.83 - P.IVA 02826120962
_____________• unit 1-19 Glenmore Street, 2065 Naremburn NSW, Sydney (Australia) - Tel. +61-410.403.340
_____________• Melbourne, VIC office - Tel. +61-408.801.320
_____________© 1992-2021 Virtual Lab S.a.s. - DOTgroup Consortium - Names and product brands mentioned are property of their respective company.
_____________DOTgroup in the world: Vimodrone (MI-Italy) - Sydney (Australia) - Melbourne (Australia) - Miami (USA) - Caracas (Venezuela) - Madrid (Spain)
For informations and contacts: - or our contact page.
_____________________________________seeking innovation and simplicity.
DCAD VectorSpace is a multinational effort now becoming an Australian Product. It’s powerful, yet easy to learn 2D/3D CAD application with parametric modeling capabilities, vector and photo-realistic rendering, camera animation, virtual nodes, stereo graphics and complete data analysis exportable on Microsoft suite (Word, Excel) and others similar applications. The ProArchitect suite is comprised by DCAD organizer (for files and
DCAD VectorSpace’s applications management), DCAD line-(ArtDesigner) (for vectorial sketch effects and images post-processor engine).
The complete solution it’s based even with DCAD technical (for design assistant and data analysis), DCAD optimizer (to interface with Cinema 4D for High-End Rendering - Animation and SketchUp to take advantage of its endless free libraries) and DCAD translator (translator from Vectorworks and XYZ file), these ones with affordable price.
DCAD VectorSpace solution, can deliver stunning results with a REAL small learning curve.
The “3D Design” has never felt so natural. Try it today!
Maybe it's time for you to try it!

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